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Central African Republic + 2 more

UNICEF Central African Republic Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1: 12 April 2024 (Reporting Period 1 January - 29 February 2024)

HIGHLIGHTS Despite ongoing challenges like clashes, insecurity, and natural disasters causing displacement, the Central African Republic has seen improvements in some areas in early 2024.In its Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC), UNICEF is requesting US$66.7 million to…


Nigeria: 10 Years After Chibok, Schoolchildren Still at Risk

Implement Safe Schools Plan to Protect Schools, Children (Abuja) –Ten years after the abduction of over 200 schoolgirls in Chibok, Nigerian authorities have failed to put in place and sustain crucial measures to provide a secure learning…

News and Press Release
11 Apr 2024

Niger + 5 more

UNHCR Niger - Mise à jour operationnelle - février 2024

Les arrivées continuent dans la commune de N’Guigmi, région de Diffa, de ressortissants tchadiens fuyant la persécution par des groupes armés non étatiques et les affrontements entre les ces groupes et les forces armées tchadiennes dans…

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