
ReliefWeb results

Sao Tome and Principe

WFP São Tomé and Principe Country Brief, April – May 2024

In Numbers US$ 2.2 million six-month (June 2024 – November 2024) net funding requirements 6,695 people trained in April-May 2024 Operational Updates In April, the country office organized a high-level mission to Luanda, Angola. The objective of this mission was…

Chad + 4 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, March/April 2024

In Numbers 1.1 million people assisted* 9,789 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 2.9 million in cash-based transfers made US$ 309 million six-month net funding requirements (May - October 2024) Operational Updates In collaboration with the Government of Chad, WFP finalized the…

Cameroon + 1 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, May 2024

In Numbers 204,963 people assisted 847 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 413,560 in cash-based transfers made US$ 53 million six-month net funding requirements (June–November 2024) Operational Updates Food assistance during emergencies: WFP assisted 61,840 refugees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and vulnerable…

Sierra Leone + 1 more

WFP Sierra Leone Country Brief, May 2024

In Numbers 240,479 people assisted 776 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 9.6 million six-month net funding requirement (June– November 2024) Operational Updates WFP organized orientation training for 230 volunteer cooks from 115 primary schools in Karene district. The training covered…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun : Extrême-Nord, Rapport de situation No. 42 - avril 2024

Ce rapport a été produit par OCHA, en collaboration avec les partenaires humanitaires pour la période 01-30 avril 2024. FAITS SAILLANTS • Au moins vingt-quatre civils tués et douze enlevés dans la région lors d’attaques et incursions de…

Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, April 2024

In Numbers 135,904 people assisted 28,057 mt of food distributed US$ 1,988,890 cash transferred US$ 32 million six-month net funding requirements (May-October 2024) Operational Updates Refugee response in the M’bera Refugee Camp: In April, WFP delivered cash assistance to 71,610 people (of…

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