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WFP Nigeria Country Brief, June 2024

In Numbers 959,950 people assisted in June 2024 2,447 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 5.5 million distributed through cash-based transfers US$ 162 million six-month net funding requirement (July – December 2024) Situation and Strategic Updates Insecurity affected agricultural output in formerly…

Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, July 2024

In Numbers 105,688 vulnerable people assisted 10,665 mt of food distributed US$ 1,191,997 in cash transferred US$ 20 million six-month net funding requirements (August 2024 - January 2025) Operational Updates Refugee response in the Mbera Refugee Camp: In July, WFP delivered cash…

Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, June 2024

In Numbers 79,665 vulnerable people assisted 28,130 mt of food distributed US$ 852,850 in cash transferred US$ 25.9 million six-month net funding requirements (July - December 2024) Operational Updates Refugee response in the Mbera Refugee Camp: In June, WFP delivered cash assistance…

Central African Republic + 2 more

Central African Republic: Situation Report, 13 Sep 2024

HIGHLIGHTS In 2024, the humanitarian community in CAR plans to assist 1.9 million most vulnerable people. US$ 367.7 million is required. Humanitarian actors provided life-saving assistance to 2 million people in 2023. Increasingly worrying humanitarian situation in the Haut-Mbomou…

Central African Republic + 2 more

République centrafricaine : Rapport de situation, 13 sept. 2024

FAITS SAILLANTS En 2024, la communauté humanitaire en RCA planifie d’assister 1.9 millions de personnes les plus vulnérables. 367.7 millions de dollars américains sont requis. Les acteurs humanitaires ont fourni une assistance vitale à 2 millions de personnes…

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