
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

A thousand students to benefit in Congo

Mercy Corps Helps to Rebuild Primary School in Goma At the dawn of independence in the 1960s, the Democratic Republic of Congo (former Zaire) held promise as the future of Africa. It was a country full of natural resources with…

News and Press Release
Mercy Corps
7 Sep 2001

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Under Fire: the human cost of small arms in north-east Democratic Republic of the Congo

Full Report

January 2001 Abbreviations AAA Agro-action Allemande (Welthungershilfe) AFDL Alliance des Forces Democratiques pour la Liberation du Congo ALTI Aide aux Lepreux et Tuberculeux de 1'Ituri APC Armee du Peuple Congolaise CAC Communaute Anglicane du Congo CME Centre Medical Evangelique COOPI International Cooperation of the Italian Government CUEB Centre Universitaire de Bunia DRC Democratic Republic of the Congo Ex-FAZ Ex-Forces…

Congo + 1 more

UN Plan - Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) 2001-2002

Full Report

Executive Summary Congo's decade of political violence has worsened a trend of stagnated development. The massive displacement caused by the last of three civil wars in 1998-1999 led to epidemic levels of malnutrition. Directly or indirectly, up…


7,000 school kits delivered to Liberia

MCC is shipping 7,000 school kits to Liberia, a country recovering from seven years of civil war. The recipient, Church Related Education Development Organization (CREDO), is a consortium of Christian schools that helps to supply basic school supplies to…

News and Press Release
25 Oct 2000

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Humanitarian Situation Report: 26 Jun - 9 Jul 2000

SUMMARY The renewed fighting has substantially increased the suffering of people in Sierra Leone, at a time when the capacity of humanitarian agencies to respond to new emergencies is limited. Two months after the resumption of hostilities,…

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Humanitarian Situation Report: Special Issue Mar 2000

INTRODUCTION 1.) OVERVIEW - POLITICAL, SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN CONTEXT Gaining Humanitarian Access: A continuing Challenge The DDR Factor The UNAMSIL Factor 2.) THE PEACE PROCESS- Is time running out? - A humanitarian perspective 3.) CRITICAL AREAS OF NEED Rehabilitation of water and sanitation…

Situation Report
6 Mar 2000
Téléchargement  + 1 more

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