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Democratic Republic of the Congo

DRC Pooled Fund Annual Report 2007

Full Report

Executive Summary In line with the principles of the Good Humanitarian Donorship (GHD) initiative and the objectives of the Humanitarian Reform launched in 2005, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Pooled Fund mechanism was established in 2006 to strengthen funding…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Rapport de l'étude sur les causes des abandons scolaires et de la non scolarisation des enfants dans la province du Nord- Kivu

(Cas des sous divisions de Goma, Masisi, Rutshuru et Butembo). Par Prof. Kambale Karafuli, Ass. Dr. Ntabe Namegabe, Ass. Baluti Hinganya, Ass. Mumbere Kikoli, Ass. Mumbere Mbasa, Ass. Kahindo Kambere et Mr. Nyavanda Kahindukya Commanditée par UNICEF/ GOMA Résumé Objectif général de l'étude L'objectif…

Chad + 1 more

UNHCR Sudan Operations: Sudan situation update 84, Mar 2008

SOUTHERN SUDAN AND THE BLUE NILE During the last week of March, UNHCR assisted refugee returns to South Sudan passed the 100,000 mark with more than 4,500 refugees repatriating weekly from camps in countries bordering Sudan. The pace…

Central African Republic

UNICEF Humanitarian Action Update Central African Republic 28 Mar 2008

UNICEF URGENTLY REQUIRES US$ 4.4 MILLION TO ADDRESS THE NEEDS OF CHILDREN IN THE AREAS OF HEALTH, WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE, PROTECTION AND EDUCATION - 1 million people are affected by the ongoing conflict; 197,000 remain people internally displaced, 98,000…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Situation humanitaire en RDC - Semaine du 24 au 28 mars 2008

Points saillants : - Nord-Kivu : Le CCCM éprouve certaines difficultés à effectuer les transferts des camps de Nyongera, Kasasa et Kibumba vers les sites de Nyahanga et Katale. Beni est la zone o=F9 se commettent le plus de violences…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi Weekly Humanitarian News 17 - 23 Mar 2008

ACTIVITIES AND UPDATES Repatriation of Burundian refugees: During the reporting week, UNHCR facilitated the return of 1,781 Burundian refugees from Tanzania and 3 spontaneous returnees. Burundians who fled to Tanzania in 1972 continue to return; 5 persons arrived through Gisuru/Ruyigi Province.…

Situation Report
23 Mar 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: OCHA North Kivu Humanitarian Situation Update, 15 - 21 Mar 2008

Number of Internally Displaced People (IDPs) : - Since December 2006 : 437,000 (Mainly in Rutshuru and Masisi districts) - Total estimated number for entire North Kivu : 800,000 SECURITY AND POLITICAL CONTEXT - No major security incidents were reported this week. - The situation…

Situation Report
21 Mar 2008

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