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Central African Republic + 1 more

Impact of Sudan crisis in the Central African Republic (Flash Update 5 May 2023)

HIGLIGHTS 9,700 people, including Central African returnees have preventively fled from Sudan to Am-Dafock in CAR. Humanitarians are speeding up the stock prepositioning plan ahead of the rainy season, while providing emergency assistance. Senior humanitarian and Government officials travelled…

Burkina Faso

UNICEF Burkina Faso Humanitarian Situation Report No. 3: March 2023

Highlights ·UNICEF provided access to safe water for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene to 37,501 people, including 22,077 children, in the Est, Nord, Sahel and Centre-Nord regions. UNICEF supported the distribution of safe water to 202 households,…

Burkina Faso

Evaluation conjointe des besoins en matière d’Education et Protection de l’enfance au Burkina Faso

Principaux résultats Au Burkina Faso, en novembre 2022, le Conseil National de Secours d’Urgence et de Réhabilitation (CONASUR) et ses partenaires enregistraient 1,81 million de déplacés1 , dont 60 % d’enfants. La vaste majorité (83 %) de…

Education Cluster, Govt. Burkina Faso, Protection Cluster, REACH, UNICEF
5 May 2023


WFP The Gambia Country Brief, March 2023

In Numbers USD 702,177 cash-based transfers made USD 5.1 million six-month (April – September 2023) net funding requirements 131,233 people assisted in February and March 2023 Operational Updates School feeding Following the increase in the number of beneficiary schools supported by the…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Situation humanitaire dans la province du Nord-Kivu (3 mai 2023)

FAITS MAJEURS Civils ciblés par des attaques dans le territoire de Beni Plus de 24 000 personnes déplacées à la suite d’affrontements dans le Lubero Environ 70 000 personnes déplacées assistées en articles managers essentiels APERÇU DE LA SITUATION Des civils…

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