
ReliefWeb results

Sierra Leone

WFP Sierra Leone Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers 210,219 people assisted 1 572,19 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 5.4 million six-month (June – November 2023) net funding requirement Operational Updates School feeding: WFP trained 46 district and community stakeholders from assisted schools in Kambia district to…

Togo + 3 more

WFP Togo Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers 67,260 people assisted in May 2023 US$ 327,560 million cash-based transfers made US$ 12.4 million six-month (June – November Togo 2023) net funding requirement Operational Updates Food insecurity in Togo has risen rapidly these past three years. The number…

Chad + 3 more

Lac Chad Basin. Background paper. June 2023

Context Across the Lake Chad Basin, the presence of armed groups and escalating violence are deeply affecting the lives of millions of people, the majority womenand children. More than 11 million people are in urgent need ofhumanitarian assistanceand…

Burkina Faso

WFP Burkina Faso Country Brief, May 2023

In Numbers 703,400 m people assisted* in May 2023 *Preliminary figures USD 1.8 million cash-based transfers made 3,320 mt of food distributed USD 95 million six-month (Jun - Nov 2023) net funding requirements Operational Updates In May, armed conflict, internal displacement, and the…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Cluster Education République démocratique du Congo: Rapport d'évaluation: Education, Kitshanga (16 au 23/05/2023)

Contexte sécuritaire La situation sécuritaire de la zone de Santé de Mweso et en particulier, le village de Kitshanga et ses environs (kizimba, Bishusha) s’est dégradée depuis janvier 2023 pendant les affrontements entre la coalition FARDC et groupes armés…

Education Cluster, NRC, Save the Children, UNICEF
3 Jul 2023

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Cluster Education République démocratique du Congo: Rapport d'évaluation: Education, Nyiragongo, Masisi

Localisation : Sous le lead de l’UNICEF, les acteurs membres du cluster éducation ont diligenté une évaluation sectorielle des besoins en éducation et protection dans 3 zones de santé touchées par la crise liée au conflit armé entre les…

Education Cluster, Save the Children, UNICEF
3 Jul 2023

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