
ReliefWeb results


UK announces new education partnerships and projects in Rwanda

Minister for Development and Africa, Andrew Mitchell, launches new partnerships to support access to education in Rwanda. Africa Minister to launch new UK partnerships to increase girls’ access to education on visit to Rwanda The Girls in Rwanda…

News and Press Release
Govt. UK
31 Aug 2023

Democratic Republic of the Congo

WFP Democratic Republic of Congo Country Brief, August 2023

3.8 million people assisted (January - July 2023) US$43 million cash-based transfers 842,000 children and pregnant and breastfeeding women and girls received malnutrition treatment 54,000 MT food assistance distributed 123,000 school children reached 148,000 participants in resilience-building WFP Operations in 2023 In 2023…

Burkina Faso

WFP Burkina Faso Country Brief, July 2023

In Numbers 540,771 people assisted USD 1 million cash-based transfers made 1,890 mt of food distributed USD 94.7 million six-month (Aug 2023 - Jan 2024) net funding requirements Operational Updates Conflict remains the main driver of hunger and malnutrition in Burkina Faso.…


Niger: Flooding - Briefing note, 29 August 2023

CRISIS IMPACT OVERVIEW Since the beginning of the 2023 rainy season in Niger in June, heavy rains and floods have been recorded across the country, with above-average rainfall recorded since May. As at 25 August, the floods…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Joint Advocacy Note: For the immediate decongestion of schools used as shelters by displaced households and their relocation to safe, suitable accommodation; Ituri, North Kivu and South Kivu (August 2023)

Since the beginning of the year and the intensification of crises in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), conflicts and natural disasters have led to waves of displacement, with the majority of internally…

News and Press Release
CCCM Cluster, CP AoR, Education Cluster, Protection Cluster, Save the Children, Shelter Cluster, UNICEF, UNHCR
30 Aug 2023


WFP Niger: Situation Report #3, 29 August 2023

Key Numbers 4.3 million people in need of humanitarian assistance – most of whom are women and children. 3.3 million people (13% of the population) are already severely food insecure. An additional 7.3 million people (28 percent of…

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