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Burkina Faso + 1 more

Burkina Faso Plan de Réponse Humanitaire 2024 (mars 2024)

Avant-propos du Coordonnateur Humanitaire Le Burkina Faso est un pays aux multiples opportunités, au potentiel humain considérable, possédant une grande biodiversité géographique et d'abondantes ressources naturelles. Pourtant, depuis l’année 2019, ce pays à fort potentiel de développement…

Burkina Faso + 2 more

Burkina Faso: Aperçu des Besoins Humanitaires 2024 (mars 2024)

Contexte de la crise La crise multidimensionnelle au Burkina Faso continue de s’intensifier au vu d’une extension géographique des incidents de sécurité touchant la population civile, de nouveaux déplacements de populations et de violations accrues des droits…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad : Besoins Humanitaires et Plan de Réponse (Mars 2024)

1.1 Aperçu de la crise Le Tchad continue à faire face à une crise humanitaire multidimensionnelle et prolongée qui s’exacerbe, avec plus d’un tiers de la population qui a besoin d'une assistance humanitaire. Les conflits armés entraînant…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Four questions about what’s going on in eastern DR Congo

As fighting displaces thousands of people in North and South Kivu, concerns grow about the spread of disease due to overcrowded, unsanitary living conditions. A resurgence of violence between armed groups in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo…

News and Press Release
12 Mar 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Concern scales up response in DR Congo

Irish humanitarian organisation Concern Worldwide has scaled up its response in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) where each day thousands of people are fleeing from the moving frontlines of a conflict involving multiple armed groups. An…

News and Press Release
12 Mar 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Massive humanitarian response needed to avoid health catastrophe in DRC

Two years of violent fighting between the M23 armed group and the Congolese army (FARDC) and its allies in North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) intensified late January. Fighting has now reached…

News and Press Release
11 Mar 2024

Burundi + 6 more

UNHCR Burundi Operations Overview, February 2024

TOTAL POPULATION 332 800 85 600 refugees in camps and urban areas 2 600 asylum seekers 235 600 assisted returnees 8 200 internally displaced persons 800 persons at risk of statelessness Statistics as of 29 February 2024 or latest available HIGHLIGHTS UNHCR and partners have…

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