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Nigeria: Historic flooding impacts hundreds of thousands of people

Devastating flash floods have swept across the Northeastern region of Nigeria (in Maiduguri Metropolitan Council (MMC) and Jere Local Government Areas (LGAs)) affecting hundreds of thousands of people, submerging thousands of homes, and destroying property and…

News and Press Release
13 Sep 2024


Floodings in Nigeria: Malteser International provides Emergency Relief

Cologne/Maiduguri. Enduring heavy rainfall has led to the breaking of the Alau dam close to the city of Maiduguri. Around 40 percent of the metropolis in the northeast of Nigeria are flooded – approximately 280,000 people…

News and Press Release
13 Sep 2024

Cameroon + 37 more

Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and other Emergencies: Week 34: 19 - 25 August 2024 (Data as reported by: 17:00; 25 August 2024)

Overview This Weekly Bulletin focuses on public health emergencies occurring in the WHO African region. This week’s articles cover: Yellow fever in Cameroon Floods in Mali Diphtheria in Guinea For each of these events, a brief description, followed by public health…

Central African Republic + 2 more

Central African Republic: Situation Report, 13 Sep 2024

HIGHLIGHTS In 2024, the humanitarian community in CAR plans to assist 1.9 million most vulnerable people. US$ 367.7 million is required. Humanitarian actors provided life-saving assistance to 2 million people in 2023. Increasingly worrying humanitarian situation in the Haut-Mbomou…

Central African Republic + 2 more

République centrafricaine : Rapport de situation, 13 sept. 2024

FAITS SAILLANTS En 2024, la communauté humanitaire en RCA planifie d’assister 1.9 millions de personnes les plus vulnérables. 367.7 millions de dollars américains sont requis. Les acteurs humanitaires ont fourni une assistance vitale à 2 millions de personnes…

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