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Extension of water-distribution network benefits 48,000 in eastern Rwanda

The following was issued as a press release by the ICRC delegation in Kigali on 22 February 2005. On 10 February the ICRC head of delegation in Kigali, accompanied by the State secretary for water and mines and the director…

News and Press Release
22 Feb 2005

Côte d'Ivoire

Crise en Côte d'Ivoire: Rapport sur la situation humanitaire no. 37

événements Majeurs /Points Saillants Le CAP 2005 pour la Cote d'Ivoire a été lancé dans l'ensemble du pays le 4 février. L'appel réclame 39.366.057 Dollars US afin de répondre aux besoins humanitaires de plus de 3,5 millions de personnes vulnérables…


Burundi - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #1, Fiscal Year (FY) 2005

U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) Note: The last situation report was dated September 2, 2004. BACKGROUND Since 1993, armed conflict in Burundi has claimed 300,000 lives…

Côte d'Ivoire + 2 more

Crisis in Côte d'Ivoire Situation Report No. 37

Significant Events/ Highlights The CAP 2005 for Cote d' Ivoire was launched throughout the country on the 4th February. The appeal calls for US$ 39,366,057 in order to respond to the humanitarian needs of over 3.5 million vulnerable persons affected…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Monitoring de la situation humanitaire en RDC du 29 janvier au 4 fevrier 2005

Ce rapport ne reflète pas nécessairement la position officielle des Nations Unies. FAITS MAJEURS Le gouverneur de province a procédé cette semaine à la déclaration officielle de l'épidémie de cholera dans la province du Nord-Kivu. Cet acte a une répercussion positive…


CWS Emergency Appeal: Liberia post-war rehabilitation

Appeal Number: 640L Appeal Amount: $100,000 Situation Report Although disarmament and demobilization of anti-government rebels and army operatives loyal to former President Charles Taylor has led to relative peace in Liberia, 14 years of conflict and war has left the country in…

15 Feb 2005

Burundi + 11 more

East Africa Annual Appeal No. 01.10/2004 Programme Update No. 2

The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in over 181 countries. For more information: www.ifrc.org In…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Monitoring de la situation humanitaire en RDC du 5 au 11 février 2005

Ce rapport ne reflète pas nécessairement la position officielle des Nations Unies. FAITS MAJEURS Les Mayi-Mayi opérant dans le groupement Munga et Mpaye dans le territoire de Kabalo, province du Katanga, sont suspectés de cannibalisme. Des cas de violation des droits…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Thousands flee fighting in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

A cargo plane transporting medical, water and sanitation equipment arrived in Bunia on February 9. The equipment will enable MSF to meet the needs of 20,000 displaced people for three months. Since the end of January 2005, fighting between rebels groups…

News and Press Release
11 Feb 2005

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ethos Water Company joins with CARE for water project in Congo

SANTA MONICA, CALIFORNIA (February 09, 2005) - Ethos Water today announced a partnership with CARE to bring clean water to a war-torn community in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Ethos Water will contribute $10,000 to CARE for the construction of…

News and Press Release
9 Feb 2005

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