
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Operational update: DR Congo - ICRC activities continue on behalf of the vulnerable

Efforts by the Democratic Republic of Congo to move towards its first democratic elections in four decades have been marred by outbreaks of violence that threatened to derail the fragile and difficult transition process began in July 2003. The elections…

News and Press Release
31 May 2005


Guinea Humanitarian Situation Report May 2005

HIGHLIGHTS - 50% fuel price increase - Third round of polio vaccination campaigns - EU launches € 25 million programme for Guinea Forestiere - Breakout at Conakry prison - World Bank reviews aid programmes - Arrival of new UN Humanitarian Coordinator OVERVIEW Fuel price increase:…

Situation Report
31 May 2005

Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire: OCHA Weekly Update No. 5

19th-28th May 2005 I. Key political and security highlights The FANCI chief of army staff, Colonel Mangou, organised a ceremony on Wednesday 25 May in Guiglo to signal the beginning of the dismantlement of the militia in presence of dignitaries, local…

Situation Report
31 May 2005

Benin + 2 more

Regional operations plan: The Togo situation - May 2005

Introduction The political crisis that followed the disputed presidential elections in Togo on 24 April 2005 and which, since then, resulted in the appointment of Gnassimbé Fauré to the presidency, caused an exodus of over 32 000 refugees to Ghana…

Benin + 2 more

Plan régional d'Opération : Situation Togo - Mai 2005

Introduction La crise politique qui a suivi les élections présidentielles contestées du 24 avril 2005 au Togo et qui a vu depuis Faure Gnassimbé porté à la présidence du Togo, a entraîné l'exode de plus de 32.000 réfugiés au Ghana…

Chad + 1 more

Aide humanitaire visant à faire face aux conséquences des mouvements de populations affectées (réfugiés, populations locales hôtes, rapatriés) au Tchad suite au conflit en cours au Darfour (Soudan)

Lieu de l'opération : TCHAD Montant de la décision : 12,000,000 EUR Numéro de référence de la décision : ECHO/TCD/BUD/2005/01000 Exposé des motifs 1 - Justification, besoins et population cible : 1.1. - Justification : Début 2003, une crise politique…


Liberia: UNMIL Humanitarian Situation Report No. 11

23 May 2005 - 30 May 2005 A. General Situation Highlights - 1.2 Million Liberians registered to vote for upcoming 11 October Elections The National Elections Commission (NEC) announced during its regular press briefing in Monrovia on 24 May 2005 that 1.2 million…

Situation Report
30 May 2005

Chad + 1 more

Humanitarian aid aiming at responding to the consequences of population movements (refugees, hosts population, repatriated) in Chad as a result of the current conflict in Darfour (Sudan)

Place of the operation: CHAD Amount of the decision: EUR 12,000,000 Number of reference of the decision: ECHO/TCD/BUD/2005/01000 Preamble 1 - justification, needs and target population: 1.1. - Justification: At the beginning of 2003, a major political and humanitarian crisis started…

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