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Central African Republic

Humanitarian Action in Central African Republic - 03 Dec 2006

Highlights - In reply to the UN Security Council's agreement to extend until the end of 2007 the mandate of the UN peace-consolidation mission BONUCA, UN Secretary General stated on 30/11 that the activities of BONUCA in the coming year…

Situation Report
3 Dec 2006

Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire : OCHA Rapport Hebdomadaire No. 48

27 novembre au 03 décembre 2006 I. Situation politique et sécuritaire Au moins une personne tuée, de nombreux blessés et des d'importants dégâts matériels (source : présidence de la république) enregistrés à la suite des manifestations populaires organisées le 30 novembre 2006…

Situation Report
3 Dec 2006

Central African Republic + 5 more

UNHCR Sudan Operations: Sudan/Chad situation update 67, 03 Dec 2006

SOUTH SUDAN Security The security situation in Juba and its surroundings continues to be tense, particularly near the eastern bank of the Nile where a series of coordinated armed attacks on civilians have been carried out in recent months. During the…


Republic of the Congo: Access to drinking water and ICRC action 1997/2006

The succession of armed conflicts in the Congo in the period from 1993 to 2003 had many disastrous consequences, particularly as regards access to drinking water. This document summarizes the action of the ICRC in favor of affected populations. Most…

News and Press Release
1 Dec 2006

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Situation humanitaire en RDC - Rapport hebdomadaire 24 novembre - 01 decembre 2006

CONTEXTE GENERAL Ituri Une délégation gouvernementale a signé le mercredi 29 novembre un accord cadre avec les Forces de Résistance Patriotique en Ituri (FRPI) et le Mouvement Révolutionnaire Congolais (MRC). Le Front des Nationalistes Intégrationnistes (FNI) était absent. Conformément à cet accord,…

Chad + 1 more

Sudan: Complex Emergency Situation Report #5 (FY) 2007

Note: The last situation report was dated November 17, 2006. BACKGROUND In 2006, Sudan continues to cope with the effects of conflict, displacement, and insecurity. The formation of the joint Government of National Unity (GNU) was a requirement of the Comprehensive Peace…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: OCHA North Kivu Situation Report - 01 Dec 2006

ERRATA In yesterday's situation report, the section on child protection situation on the Sake-Minova axis should read: "According to local NGO partners of UNICEF and Save the Children, there are between 60 and 100 non-accompanied children along the Sake-Minova axis. Of…

Situation Report
1 Dec 2006


Congo: Floods and Landslides DREF Bulletin No. MDRCG001

The Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. It is the world's largest humanitarian organization and its millions of volunteers are active in 185 countries. In Brief This DREF Bulletin is…

Situation Report
1 Dec 2006

Central African Republic + 6 more

Nutrition information in crisis situations - Report number 11

HIGHLIGHTS Floods in the Horn of Africa-High vulnerability of populations-Major floods have recently hit parts of Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia. Estimated numbers of the affected populations are changing rapidly because assessments are still on-going, and new flooding is still occurring. The…

Burundi + 4 more

Plan d'Action Humanitaire 2007 - République Démocratique du Congo

Avant-propos La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) vient de franchir une étape historique. En 2006, pour la première fois en plus de quarante ans, le peuple congolais a pu voter librement lors d'élections démocratiques considérées comme ayant…

30 Nov 2006

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