
ReliefWeb results


Implementation of Targeted Cholera Response Activities, Cameroon

Objective To describe the implementation of case-area targeted interventions to reduce cholera transmission using a rapid, localized response in Kribi district, Cameroon. Methods We used a cross-sectional design to study the implementation of case-area targeted interventions. We…

Central African Republic + 1 more

République centrafricaine: Crise au Soudan, Évaluation transfrontalière - Enquête sur les ménages retournés/réfugiés (2 juin 2023)

MESSAGES CLEFS • La majorité des ménages interrogés en République centrafricaine étaient soudanais et ont rapporté avoir fui le conflit actif dans les zones de l’État du Sud-Darfour. Plus d’un tiers des interrogés ont déclaré avoir été…

Central African Republic + 1 more

Critical humanitarian situation in Central African Republic

The humanitarian situation in the Central African Republic (CAR) remains critical, with more than half the population, 3.4 million people, requiring assistance and protection, the top UN aid official in the country said on Monday. Of this…

News and Press Release
UN News
5 Jun 2023

Cameroon + 14 more

The situation in Central Africa and the activities of the United Nations Regional Office for Central Africa - Report of the Secretary-General (S/2023/389)

I. Introduction The present report is submitted pursuant to the statement of the President of the Security Council dated 10 August 2018 (S/PRST/2018/17), in which the Council requested the Secretary-General to keep it informed about the activities…

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