
ReliefWeb results

Chad + 1 more

UNHCR Chad Update on Sudan Emergency, 22 June 2023

Between 15 and 18 June, thousands of Sudanese refugees arrived in Adré, located in the province of Ouaddaï. The relocation of refugees from border sites is ongoing, and so far, 26,223 people have been relocated to extensions…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Suivi de la situation humanitaire - Zones de santé de Kongolo et Mbulula, Territoire de Kongolo, Province du Tanganyika, République démocratique du Congo (RDC) | Fiche d’information, avril 2023

SYNTHÈSE ET DONNÉES CLÉS Les chocs continuent d’affecter la population du territoire de Kongolo, souvent forcée de se déplacer, impactant notamment la sécurité alimentaire des milieux dans lesquels se font ces déplacements. La protection de l’enfance reste…

Central African Republic + 1 more

L'impact de la crise au Soudan en République centrafricaine (Dernière mise à jour: 23 juin 2023)

L'impact de la crise au Soudan en République centrafricaine FAITS SAILLANTS La relocalisation des demandeurs d'asile et rapatriés spontanés de Am-Dafock vers Birao a commencé. La communauté humanitaire a développé un addendum au Plan de réponse humanitaire 2023 pour…

Mali + 1 more

USAID Anka Jiko

USAID Anka Jiko advances Malian development priorities and benefits rural Malian communities. The activity builds the capacity of key stakeholders in rural Malian communities to construct, maintain, and sustainably manage safe and reliable water systems, and…

News and Press Release
21 Jun 2023


Community Engagement, Accountability and Localization (CEAL) Working Group, Northeast Nigeria - Minutes of Meeting, 18 May 2023 [Meeting Minutes]

Agenda Welcome and introductions Matters arising from last meeting Issues and challenges from the field i. Key messages for cholera prevention ii. AAP & Non-negotiables training Up-dates from the CEAL Secretariat i. Joint workshop on AAP and Cash & Voucher Assistance ii. Strategic advisory…


Community Engagement, Accountability and Localization (CEAL) Working Group, Northeast Nigeria - Minutes of Meeting, 16 March 2023 [Meeting Minutes]

Meeting agenda 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Mattersarising from last meeting Promoting Stakeholders Engagement through Local action and Localization by CATAI 5. Presentation by IOM on the State Radio Project AAP/CE-related challenges and updates from the field Updates from the CEAL Secretariat AAP…

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