
ReliefWeb results

Chad + 1 more

A Path to New Beginnings for Chadians Returning from Sudan

Tongori, 24 October 2023 – The air is dry, and the sun is beating down hard in Tongori, a small town in Eastern Chad near the Sudanese border. Under the shade of an acacia tree in…

News and Press Release
25 Oct 2023


Cameroon Landslide 2023 - DREF Operation MDRCM036

What happened, where and when? On the night of Sunday 08 October 2023, torrential rain caused a landslide in the Mbankolo neighborhood in the Yaoundé II district council following the collapse of the embankment of an artificial…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Tableau de bord - Suivi de mouvements de populations, Province de l’Ituri - République démocratique du Congo, 10ème cycle, octobre 2023

Ce tableau de bord présente les principaux résultats de suivi des mouvements de populations dans la province de l’Ituri, à l’issue du dixième cycle d’évaluation conduit par l’unité la Matrice de suivi des déplacements (Displacement Tracking…

Central African Republic + 2 more

Central African Republic: Situation Report, 30 Oct 2023

HIGHLIGHTS Increasingly worrying humanitarian situation in the Haut-Mbomou Prefecture. In 2023, the humanitarian community in CAR plans to assist 2.4 million most vulnerable people. US$ 533,3 million is required. Faced with insecurity in their villages, Chadians seek refuge in…

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