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NWSW Cameroon Protection Cluster Report #3: Forced displacement following attack on Egbekaw village (Mamfe Central Subdivision/Manyu Division/Southwest Region), 13 November 2023

Update on needs-assessment On 10 November, the Protection Cluster led the joint multi-cluster needs assessment exercise in Egbekaw and Lala Quarter neighborhood. The Protection Cluster team was led by its co-lead CARITAS and protection cluster partner Intersos. A…

Situation Report
CP AoR, GBV AoR, Protection Cluster, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA
14 Nov 2023

Central African Republic + 2 more

Central African Republic: Situation Report, 13 Nov 2023

HIGHLIGHTS (23 Oct 2023) Increasingly worrying humanitarian situation in the Haut-Mbomou Prefecture In 2023, the humanitarian community in CAR plans to assist 2.4 million most vulnerable people. US$ 533,3 million is required. Faced with insecurity in their villages, Chadians…


Floods in Niger - DREF Operational Update (MDRNE028)

What happened, where and when? The anticipatory actions planned in the imminent DREF were not implemented as the trigger of 100mm rainfall was not reached. However, for over four consecutive weeks between 60-80mm rainfall was registered by ACMAD…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo : Intensification de la réponse humanitaire dans la province de l'Ituri - Rapport de situation No. 16 (13 novembre 2023)

Ce rapport est produit par OCHA RDC en collaboration avec les partenaires humanitaires. Il couvre la période du 19 au 31 octobre 2023. FAITS MAJEURS • Plus de 330 000 personnes assistées en articles ménages essentiels au troisième…

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