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Mali Urgence Complexe Rapport de situation No. 14

Ce rapport de situation est produit par le Bureau OCHA au Mali en collaboration avec les partenaires humanitaires et publié par le Siège d’OCHA à New York. Il couvre la période allant du 11 août au…


Mali Complex Emergency Situation Report No. 14

I. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES 4.6 million people are now estimated to be at risk of food insecurity due to conflict in northern Mali and the Sahel food and nutrition crisis. As of 22 August 2012, an estimated 442,775 people…


UNICEF Nigeria Monthly Situation Report - 27 August, 2012

Highlights A total of 21,370 new cases of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) have been treated in July in the 378 Community Management of Acute Malnutrition sites. 95,262 Children with SAM about 46% of the 208,000 target…

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