Cartes / Infographies

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Niger + 7 more

The Sahel: CERF allocations (as of 7 Dec 2012)

Severe food insecurity and malnutrition in the Sahel have presented CERF and the humanitarian community with one of the biggest challenges in 2012. More than 18 million people in eight countries face food insecurity, and 1…


Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard - Floods (as of 26 Nov. 2012)

In 2012, widespread flooding resulting from heavy rainfalls affected more than 7.7 million people and displaced 2 million individuals, according to statistics provided by NEMA by mid- October. IDPs have started to return to their communities…

Burkina Faso + 1 more

Burkina Faso: Aperçu humanitaire (Novembre 2012)

Les acteurs humanitaires font également face aux conséquences des inondations qui sont venues s’ajouter à la crise alimentaire et nutritionnelle et à la crise de déplacement provoquée par l’afflux de réfugiés maliens au Burkina Faso.

Chad + 4 more

Chad Consolidated Appeal 2013+: Humanitarian Dashboard - 30 November 2012

Crisis Description Drivers of crisis: Natural disasters such as floods and droughts Return of migrants fleeing violence in neighbouring countries Refugees from Sudan and Central African Republic Internal displacement Epidemics Needs Profile: People affected by conflict, including refugees, IDPs, migrants returning from Libya and…

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