Cartes / Infographies

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Gambia: Humanitarian Overview (as of 10 February 2015)

Endemic of food insecurity due to crop failure/ poor harvest, rising food prices and loss of livehoods as a result of frequent natural disasters (droughts, floods). Lack of integrated Early Warning Systems to facilitate early response and…

Mauritania + 1 more

Mauritania: Humanitarian Overview (as of 10 February 2015)

Food insecurity and overall vulnerability are results of recurring natural hazards (droughts, floods), increasing food prices and overall scarcity of resources. The country continues to host Malian refugees; their returns are contingent on restoring peace and security…

Mali + 3 more

Mali: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 19 January 2015)

The analysis of the results from the November Cadre Harmonisé indicates a limited degradation of livelihoods in northern Mali and in areas where a decrease in the agricultural production was registered. This is mainly due to…

Chad + 4 more

Chad: Humanitarian Dashboard (December 2014)

SITUATION OVERVIEW In Chad, 3.2 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. That is nearly one fourth of the 13,2 million population, signaling the high vulnerability levels throughout the country. Under-five mortality dropped between 2009 and…

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