Cartes / Infographies

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Nigeria + 3 more

Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 31 July 2015)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The fourth round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), conducted in June 2015, showed 1.4 million internally displaced persons (IDPs) in six states of north-east Nigeria. More than half of the displaced population comprise children…


Mali: Humanitarian Snapshot (10 August 2015)

A significant water shortage is registered in Mali’s northern regions. The low rate of access to drinking water, the large number of water points in need of repairs and the drying-up of several ponds have increased…


Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire 2015 (Août 2015)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION À la suite de l’achèvement du processus de signature d’un accord de paix et de réconciliation par toutes les parties au conflit en juin 2015, un calme relatif a été observé dans les…

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