Cartes / Infographies

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Niger + 1 more

Kablewa Camp - Camp Profile as of September 2015

Since May 2013, Southeastern Niger (Diffa region) has witnessed an influx of tens of thousands displaced persons from Northern Nigeria following the declaration of the state of emergency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa States in Nigeria…

Nigeria + 3 more

Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 16 October 2015)

3 pages

SITUATION OVERVIEW The fifth round of the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM), conducted in July and August 2015, showed that there are more than 2.1 million internally displaced persons (IDPs). The majority of the displaced population are children…


Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire 2015 (Octobre 2015)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION À la suite de l’achèvement du processus de signature d’un accord de paix et de réconciliation par toutes les parties au conflit en juin 2015 un calme relatif a été observé dans les…


Mali: 2015 Humanitarian Dashboard (October 2015)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Following the completion, in June 2015, of the signing process of the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation by all parties, a relative calm has been observed in conflict-affected areas. It is estimated that around 423,400…


Mali : Aperçu humanitaire (août - septembre 2015)

Les inondations enregistrées en juillet-aout 2015 au pays ont fait au moins 4 victimes et affecté 14 600 autres personnes. Plus de 1 800 maisons ont été détruites/endommagées et des centaines de champs inondés, principalement dans…


Mali : Humanitarian Snapshot (August - September 2015)

At least 4 people died and 14,600 others were affected because of the floods recorded in July-August 2015 in the country. More than 1,800 homes have been destroyed/damaged and hundreds of fields flooded, mainly in the regions…

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