Cartes / Infographies

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Mali: 2015 Humanitarian Dashboard (December 2015)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The presence of explosive remnants of war, the use of improvised explosive devices, banditry and other forms of criminality continue to limit access to vulnerable populations despite the signing of the peace agreement and the…


Mali: Tableau de bord humanitaire 2015 (Décembre 2015)

APERÇU DE LA SITUATION La présence de restes explosifs de guerre, l’usage d’engins explosifs improvisés, le banditisme et les autres formes de criminalité continuent à limiter l’accès aux populations vulnérables malgré la signature de l'accord de paix…

Nigeria + 3 more

UNICEF Regional Snapshot - Nigeria Crisis, November 2015

Children at risk Over 1.4 million children have been displaced by conflict and violence, representing nearly 60% of the displaced population (nearly 2.4 million). The slight decrease from the last update is due to the fluid situation…

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