Cartes / Infographies

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Solid waste management north east Nigeria (15 March 2016)

Current situation Based on the UNDP and Disaster Waste Recovery (DWR) assessment on Waste and Debris (Jan 2015) it’s evident that ongoing hostilities in North Eastern States of Nigeria have led to signicant accumulations of uncollected solid…

Chad + 4 more

Tchad: Tableau de bord humanitaire (Au 31 décembre 2015)

Contexte actuel En 2015, le HRP recensait plus de 3 millions de personnes en besoin d'assistance humanitaire parmi lesquelles 2,5 millions étaient ciblées pour recevoir une assistance soit 20 pour cent de la population du Tchad (13,2…

Mauritania + 1 more

Mauritania: Humanitarian Overview (as of 09 March 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Food insecurity, malnutrition and overall vulnerability are results of recurring natural hazards (droughts, floods), increasing food prices and overall scarcity of resources. The country continues to host Malian refugees, their returns are contingent…

Gambia + 1 more

Gambia: Humanitarian Overview (as of 09 March 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Endemic of food insecurity due to crop failure/ poor harvest, rising food prices and loss of livelihoods as a result of frequent natural disasters (droughts, floods). Lack of integrated early warning systems to…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Overview (as of 9 March 2016)

KEY DRIVERS OF THE CRISIS Recurring natural disasters such as droughts and floods combined with the volatility of markets, pushed many households and communities into chronic vulnerability. Conflict in northern Nigeria and CAR continue to displace refugees to…

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