Cartes / Infographies

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Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (January - July 2017)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The humanitarian crisis in Nigeria’s north-east and the Lake Chad region is one of the most severe in the world today, with 8.5m people in need of humanitarian assistance in 2017 in the worst-affected states…


Mali: Situation de l'inondation (Août 2017)

Plus de 7 000 personnes ont été touchées par des inondations principalement dans le nord du pays depuis le début de la saison des pluies en juin. Plus de 400 maisons ont été détruites et plus de 300…


Mali: Overview of Flooding (August 2017)

More than 7,000 people have been affected by floods primarily in the north of the country since the beginning of the rainy season in June 2017. More than 400 houses were destroyed and more than 300 damaged.…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Weekly Humanitarian Update (14 - 20 August 2017)

ITURI: OVER 150 KILLED AND 280 ORPHANS IN A LANDSLIDE IN DJUGU TERRITORY At least 150 people are believed to have died and an estimated 70 houses were destroyed following a landslide that ravaged the fishing village…

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