
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Aid agencies evacuate DR Congo Ebola and measles hotspots as violence flares

A sudden surge in violence in DR Congo has led to the suspension of aid agency efforts in the fight against the Ebola and measles epidemics in hotspots where they are proving tough to control. Angry protests…

News and Press Release
World Vision
25 Nov 2019


Data for results

To harmonize interventions for vulnerable children, UNICEF supported Niger to develop a standardized information management system for child protection (CPIMS +). By Islamane Abdou The day has just risen over the capital of Manga and the city’s arteries…

News and Press Release
25 Nov 2019

Cameroon + 1 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, October 2019

Highlights • In initial response to serious flooding in Zina and Kai Kai districts of Far North Region, UNICEF distributed emergency supplies including WASH and Dignity Kits, plastic sheeting, water filters and aqua-tabs benefitting over 2,000 people. •…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

UNICEF Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian Situation Report October 2019

Situation in Numbers 7,500,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA, HRP 2019) 12,800,000 people in need (OCHA, HRP 2019) 1,260,000* Internally displaced people (IDPs) (HRP 2019) 24,391 cases of cholera reported since January (Ministry of Health) Highlights • 7 th October,…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic - Children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic - Report of the Secretary-General (S/2019/852)

Summary The present report, submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612 (2005) and subsequent resolutions on children and armed conflict, is the fourth report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic…

Central African Republic

CAR: Increased Commitments for Children Amid High Level of Grave Violations

New York– Important advances were achieved by the Central African Republic Government as well as by some of the armed groups in a context of persistent challenges to end and prevent grave violations against children, highlighted…

News and Press Release
OSRSG Children and Armed Conflict
21 Nov 2019


For every child, every right

An open letter to Niger’s children, by Félicité Tchibindat, UNICEF Representative in Niger, on the occasion of the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child By Félicité Tchibindat 20th November 1989…

News and Press Release
21 Nov 2019


Renewed commitment to implementing child rights

The Government of Niger publicly renewed its commitment to the full implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child By Lalaina Fatratra Andriamasinoro NIAMEY (Niger), 19 November 2019 - At a press conference hosted by children,…

News and Press Release
19 Nov 2019

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo - Note d’informations humanitaires pour les provinces du Bas-Uélé, Haut-Uélé, de l’Ituri et la Tshopo (12 novembre 2019)

Ce rapport a été produit par OCHA Bunia en collaboration avec les partenaires humanitaires. Il est publié par OCHA et couvre la période du 05 au 12 novembre 2019. FAITS SAILLANTS Plus de 28 000 personnes sinistrées par…

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