
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF DR Congo Ebola Situation Report #54 North Kivu, Ituri and South Kivu - Reporting Period: 3 to 16 February 2020

Key epidemic numbers 3,309 confirmed cases (WHO, 16 February 2020) 922 children <18 among confirmed cases (WHO, 16 February 2020) 2,130 deaths among confirmed cases (WHO, 16 February 2020) @ UNICEF DRC Key figures 18 implementing partners, including 12 national actors 916…


Nigeria Child Protection Sub-Sector: Annual Report 2019

2019 Response Overview The Child Protection Sub-Sector’s (CPSS) humanitarian response interventions were focused on four thematic areas: (a) case management of vulnerable children and children at risk; (b) mental health and psychosocial support services to children and…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
UNHCR, Protection Cluster
3 Mar 2020

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF DR Congo Ebola Situation Report #53 North Kivu, Ituri and South Kivu - Reporting Period: 20 January to 2 February 2020

Key epidemic numbers 3,305 confirmed cases (WHO, 2 February 2020) 920 children <18 among confirmed cases (WHO, 2 February 2020) 2,127 deaths among confirmed cases (WHO, 2 February 2020) Key figures 31 implementing partners, including 18 national actors 2,470 community workers and…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Bulletin d’information sous cluster protection de l’enfance (GTPE) Décembre 2019 - Janvier 2020

Priorités 2020 Améliorer la coordination GTPE : analyse de protection, collecte de données, mise à jour du humanitarianresponse.info, renforcement des GTPE provinciaux et SGTPE territoriaux Mise en place d’une Task force « Gestion de Cas » sous le…

News and Press Release
UNHCR, Protection Cluster
13 Feb 2020


Mise à jour opérationnelle : Région de Maradi - Niger : Comité de Coordination sur les réfugiés et la population hôte #15 - Semaine du 27 janvier – 02 février 2020

PROTECTION ■ 22 ménages / 76 personnes relocalisées de Chawagui, Sarkin Abzin, Tankama, Dan Kano vers le site Garin Kaka (UNHCR/APBE/AIRD/CIAUD). ■ 1 136 personnes (786 femmes) sensibilisées sur l’importance de la documentation civile, l’accès aux services sociaux…


UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report, 31 December 2019

Reporting Period: 1 January - 31 December 2019 Highlights • As of 31 December 2019, 201,429 internally displaced persons (IDPs) were reported in the country, mainly located in Mopti, Gao, Segou, Timbuktu and Menaka regions. • In 2019, UNICEF…

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