
ReliefWeb results

Benin + 26 more

Consolidated Appeals Process (CAP): Humanitarian Appeal 2007

Introduction In 2006 the United Nations and its partner humanitarian agencies have fed 97 million people in 82 countries, including 6.5 million in Sudan; vaccinated over 30 million children against measles in emergency situations, including 51% of…

30 Nov 2006


Liberia: UNMIL Humanitarian Situation Report No. 81

November 20 - 26, 2006 HIGHLIGHTS - Japanese Government Funds $4 Million Human Security Project - Momentum of Refugee Repatriation To Increase With Favorable Weather Condition - Swedish and European Union Aid Delegations Visit Lofa County 1. RETURN & RESETTLEMENT Momentum of Refugee Repatriation To Increase…

Situation Report
26 Nov 2006

Côte d'Ivoire + 3 more

Child soldiers and disarmament, demobilization, rehabilitation and reintegration in West Africa: A survey of programmatic work on the involvement of children in armed conflict in Côte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone

Introduction West Africa is one of the regions in the world most seriously affected by the practice of child soldier recruitment. According to the Coalition's estimates, over 8,000 children were still fighting in 2005 in the region, and over 20,000 were…

Child Soldiers Coalition
22 Nov 2006

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Situation humanitaire en RDC - Rapport hebdomadaire du 04 - 10 novembre 2006

Contexte général Ituri Les troupes gouvernementales continuent à tracas-ser la population en Ituri. Elles prélèvent illégale-ment des taxes auprès de celle-ci au check point de Tchekele et un peu partout en Ituri, comme à Maha-gi, Vida, Ngote, Kpandroma, Fataki, etc. Une délégation…


CCF-Liberia Oct 2006: Three years later

1. Introduction In October 2003, Liberia's civil war officially came to an end. In 14 years of fighting, at least 150,000 people had been killed and hundreds of thousands more were driven from their homes.1 International peacekeepers moved in to…


Liberia: UNMIL Humanitarian Situation Report No. 77

October 23 - 29, 2006 HIGHLIGHTS Humanitarian Agencies Establish Priorities for 2007 Humanitarian agencies discussed the priorities and focus of humanitarian assistance in Liberia for 2007 at a workshop on the Common Humanitarian Action Plan on October 25. Close to 40 representatives from…

Situation Report
31 Oct 2006

Burundi + 17 more

Children and armed conflict - Report of the Secretary-General

General Assembly Sixty-first session Security Council Sixty-first year Agenda item 63 (a) Promotion and protection of the rights of children: promotion and protection of the rights of children I. Introduction 1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1612 (2005), by…

Burundi + 16 more

Les enfants et les conflits armés - Rapport du Secrétaire général

Assemblée générale Soixante et unième session Conseil de sécurité Soixante et unième année Point 63 a) de l'ordre du jour Promotion et protection des droits de l'enfant I. Introduction 1. Le présent rapport est soumis conformément à la résolution 1612 (2005) du Conseil…

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