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Burkina Faso + 13 more

Great Lakes Echoes: EurAc Bulletin No. 52 - Mar 2009

(Extract) Great Lakes ADB supports DDR in the Great Lakes region According to a communiqué issued in Tunis on 25 February 2009 the Board of the African Development Bank (ADB) group has approved a grant of 14 million units of account (US$…

News and Press Release
31 Mar 2009

Cameroon + 1 more

UNICEF Humanitarian Action Update Cameroon 27 Mar 2009

SILENT EMERGENCY AFFECTING CHILDREN IN CAMEROON - Cameroon is facing a silent emergency of malnutrition, lack of basic health services and a lack of access to basic education. Many partners cannot sustain their emergency response capacities in 2009 due to the…


Burundi: Humanitarian Weekly report - Situation Report No 02

This report was issued by Burundi office. It covers the period from 16 to 31 March 2009. The next report will be issued on or around 9th April 2009. HIGHLIGHTS/KEY PRIORITIES - Separation of FNL child soldier - Tabletop simulation of…


Rwanda's history stained by massive human rights violations, but rule of law system painstakingly constructed to tackle forces seeking to sow division, Committee told

General Assembly HR/CT/705 Human Rights Committee Ninety-fifth Session 2604th Meeting (AM) Human Rights Experts Conclude Consideration of Rwanda's Report With Concerns Raised on Press Freedoms, Treatment of Batwa People While Rwanda's recent history was stained by "massive violations of civil and political rights", a system based…

News and Press Release
UN GA, UN Human Rights Committee
19 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 11, 09 - 15 Mar 2009

SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS - Pibor fighting kills 453 and displaces 5,000 people - Malakal update - Humanitarian situation worsens due to LRA attacks I. FOCUS ON SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN ACCESS - Pibor fighting: Intense fighting between two tribes in Le-Kuangole Payam, Pibor County, Jonglei State from 5th…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

RD Congo : Situation humanitaire (Sud Kivu) - Semaine du 04 au 10 mars 2009

POINTS SAILLANTS : - Enrôlement des enfants par de nouveaux groupes armés à Uvira : lors de la réunion protection de l'enfance tenue le 05 mars 09 à Uvira, les participants ont exprimé leur inquiétude face au phénomène de désintégration…

Situation Report
10 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Violence against women 'an attack on all of us', declares UN SG as UN holds event to commemorate International Day

OBV/766 WOM/1719 Observance of International Women's Day Panel Discussion among Highlight Activities; Worldwide Observance on Sunday Declaring violence against women "an attack on all of us", United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on the world's men and women to stand together to end…

News and Press Release
5 Mar 2009

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