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Central African Republic

Children released by armed group in northern Central African Republic

AKOURSOULBAK, Central African Republic, 22 June 2012 – UNICEF welcomes the release of 32 children by the Convention of Patriots for Justice and Peace (CPJP), the first release by the armed group since it agreed in…

News and Press Release
23 Jun 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

La MONUSCO facilite le bon déroulement des examens d’Etat au Nord Kivu

Goma, 18 juin 2012 - Afin de faciliter le bon déroulement des examens scolaires dans la province du Nord Kivu, la Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en République démocratique du Congo (MONUSCO)…

News and Press Release
19 Jun 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Les FARDC formées sur la question des violences sexuelles en Ituri

Bunia, 15 juin 2012 – Vingt-cinq officiers et sous-officiers des Forces armées de la République démocratique du Congo (FARDC) viennent de subir une formation de cinq jours sur les violences sexuelles. D’autres sujets connexes ont également…

News and Press Release
15 Jun 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo

In DR Congo, UNICEF supports efforts to help child labourers return to school

By Cornelia Walther KIPUSHI, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 13 June 2012 – Sweat is running from 16-year-old Bitshilwalwa Bukula’s forehead as she tries to smash a rock into smaller pieces. A small plastic canopy offers some…

News and Press Release
15 Jun 2012

Central African Republic + 5 more

Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country (S/2012/374)

I. Introduction The present report is submitted pursuant to the request of the Security Council contained in the statement issued by its President on 26 September 2001 (S/PRST/2001/25), in which the Council requested me to keep it…

Mauritania + 1 more

Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report Mauritania - 28 May 2012

Highlights UNICEF is responding to a double emergency in Mauritania where a nutrition crisis is affecting 700,000 food insecure people, and over 64,000 refugees have arrived from Mali. As a result of the nutritional crisis affecting much of the…

Burkina Faso + 1 more

UNICEF Burkina Faso Situation Report - 25 May 2012

Highlights UNICEF is responding to a double emergency in Burkina Faso where the nutrition and refugee crises are affecting almost 3 million people. Out of an estimated 100,000 children under 5 with Severe Acute Malnutrition in 2012,…

Central African Republic + 3 more

Central African Republic at critical juncture, world community must help it build on momentum of recent political, security progress, Security Council told

SC/10664 Security Council 6780th Meeting* (AM) Office Head Says Peace Dynamic, Dialogue Offer Real Chance for Stabilization; Country’s Representative Says Report Reflects Uncertainty, ‘But above All, Hope’ The Central African Republic was at a critical juncture and it was essential…

News and Press Release
6 Jun 2012


Daughters sold as hunger worsens

By James Addis Children are dropping out of school and being sold into early marriages as desperate families struggle to get food in drought-stricken areas of Niger. An estimated 16,000 children in the northwest Tillabéry region alone have…

News and Press Release
World Vision
4 Jun 2012

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Preventing family separation during mass displacement in DR Congo

By Ndiaga Seck GOMA, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 29 May 2012 – When gunfire began in Bihambwe, Tuisenge had no choice but flee. VIDEO: UNICEF correspondent Ndiaga Seck reports on efforts to prevent family separation during mass…

News and Press Release
30 May 2012

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