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Cameroon + 1 more

Thousands of displaced children at risk in Cameroon

Posted by Berenger Berehoudougou, Plan's West Africa disaster risk management manager Attacks by Boko Haram fighters are forcing thousands of children and their families to seek refuge in the Far North region of Cameroon where they are…

News and Press Release
Plan International
13 Apr 2015

Nigeria + 4 more

Watchlist’s recommendations for the Multinational Joint Task Force in Nigeria

In early March, Nigeria agreed – with Niger, Cameroon, Chad and Benin – to send an 8,700-strong regional “Multinational Joint Task Force” (MNJTF) to fight Boko Haram which has killed thousands in northeastern Nigeria and has…

News and Press Release
8 Apr 2015

Mauritania + 1 more

Mauritania: UNHCR Operational Update, February 2015

HIGHLIGHTS As of 28 February, UNHCR in Mauritania protects and assists 52,402 Malian refugees in Mberra camp and 758 urban refugees and 591 asylum seekers of various nationalities in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou. In February, 51 432 Malian refugees…

Chad + 1 more

Tchad : Mise à jour sur l’urgence au Lac - 25 mars 2015, No. 15

DERNIERS DEVELOPPEMENTS Le 24 Mars 2015, l’Ambassadeur du Nigeria a procédé à la cérémonie de remise des dons humanitaires destinés aux réfugiés Nigérians au Tchad. Comme l’a rappelé le Secrétaire Général de la Nigeria Emer-gency Management Assistance…

Central African Republic

Dear Mrs. President, a message from the children of CAR

BY MADELEINE LOGAN Standing in front of the President of the Central African Republic, 16-year-old Abass listed the awful suffering the children of CAR had endured during two years of violence: “the killing of members of our…

News and Press Release
27 Mar 2015

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo: le Conseil de sécurité proroge d’un an le mandat de la MONUSCO tout en réduisant ses effectifs - résolution 2211 (2015)

7415e séance – matin CS/11834 Par la résolution 2211 (2015) adoptée à l’unanimité, le Conseil de sécurité a, ce matin, prorogé jusqu’au 31 mars 2016 le mandat de la Mission de l’Organisation des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation…

News and Press Release
26 Mar 2015

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