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Chad + 2 more

Lake Chad Basin Emergency Response

The Lake Chad Basin millions of people are facing one of the largest humanitarian crises. Since 2009 violence perpetrated by the Nigerian extremist group Boko Haram in Central and West Africa have never ended and attacks…

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroun : Weekly Notes #67 - 20 – 25 Nov 2016

Sécurité La situation sécuritaire dans la région de l’Extrême-Nord a été marquée par plusieurs attaques de Boko Haram. Six militaires ont trouvé la mort lors d’une attaque du poste de la force multinationale mixte le 21 novembre…

Chad + 2 more

UNICEF Chad Humanitarian Situation Report, October 2016

31 October 2016 Highlights • As of end of October 2016, there are 123,293 people displaced by the Nigerian crisis in Chad’s Lac region. Three additional sites were discovered this month. • A Hepatitis E outbreak has been reported…

Cameroon + 2 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report, October 2016

Highlights There are a growing number of refugees (approximately 26,000) in the Far North Region who have not been registered and who reside within communities. These refugees are unable to receive assistance, and are increasing the burden…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Cash transfers for vulnerable people affected by conflicts

by DJAOUNSEDE MADJIANGAR The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Program (WFP), in partnership with non-governmental organizations, Mercy Corps, Diakonia and PAP DRC have today achieved a money transfer operation aimed at responding to…

News and Press Release
22 Nov 2016


Nigeria: Periodic Monitoring Report (January - June 2016)

OVERVIEW Key achievements toward Strategic Objectives For the first six months of Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) implementation, the humanitarian country team achieved the following: 45,004 beneficiaires out the targeted 61,835, representing 73 per cent, were reached for non-food item…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
21 Nov 2016

Democratic Republic of the Congo

"If I could go to school..." Education as a tool to prevent the recruitment of girls and assist with their recovery and reintegration in Democratic Republic of Congo

[14 November 2016] – Staying in school protects girls from recruitment and other grave violations by armed groups, says Child Soldiers International in a new report published today. Research conducted by the organisation in 2016 shows…

Child Soldiers International
14 Nov 2016

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