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Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Impact Humanitaire de l'Environnement Socio-économique - Kasaï Occidental

Synthèse 3 Kananga Kinshasa, Mai 2000 Kasaï Occidental < 20 hab./km 2 21 - 50 hab./km 2 51 - 100 hab./km 2 > 100 hab./km 2 <p>] Population: 4.774.000 Densité: 25 hab/km 2 Personnes Déplacées (recensées) 30.000 Ratio des Déplacés par rapport à la population locale: 1 :82 Populations…

26 May 2000

Afghanistan + 33 more

FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 2, 2000

No. 2, 2000 - Rome, April 2000 Extracts from FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 2, 2000 HIGHLIGHTS FAO's first forecast of world cereal production in 2000 is 1 890 million tonnes, some 1 percent above 1999. Output of wheat is forecast at 595…

Angola + 19 more

FAO/GIEWS Food Supply situation and crop prospects in Sub-Saharan Africa, No.1 April 2000

Global information and early warning system on food and agriculture Countries facing exceptional food emergencies: Angola, Burundi, Dem.Rep. of Congo, Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report, April 2000 INTRODUCTION This is the…

Chad + 12 more

FEWS Bulletin AFR/00-03: Eastern Africa and the Horn

The Current Crisis Worsens in Ethiopia At the time of this report, the onset of the critical belg (secondary) rains was already 3 to 5 weeks late in highly and extremely food-insecure agricultural areas in Tigray, Amhara, Oromiya and SNNPR…

Sierra Leone + 1 more

Environmental Impact of Refugees in Guinea

Executive Summary In July 1999, at the request of the Government of Guinea, the Secretary General asked UNEP to look into the environmental impacts of the refugee situation in Guinea. Over the years many Liberians and Sierra Leoneans have been…

Sierra Leone

Bolstering the Fragile Peace Accord in Sierra Leone

The Lome peace accord of July 7, 1999 ended almost nine years of civil strife and war in Sierra Leone, but the international community has been on tenterhooks waiting to see if the peace accord would hold. Articulating the concern…

1 Mar 2000

Afghanistan + 27 more

FAO/GIEWS Food Outlook No. 1, 2000

Rome, February 2000 HIGHLIGHTS FAO now estimates world cereal output in 1999 at 1 872 million tonnes, (including rice in milled terms), above average, and only slightly below the previous year's level. However, this would be below anticipated global cereal utilization…

Sierra Leone

FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 1-2/00 - Sierra Leone

An FAO Crop Assessment Mission visited the South West, Southern and part of Eastern regions in December 1999. The other northern or eastern regions were not accessible due to security constraints. The Mission found that the agricultural sector has…

4 Feb 2000

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