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RRM - Evaluation multisectorielle rapide des besoins - Zone évaluée : Bandiagara, Bodio et Fico Communes : Bandiagara, Doucoumbo et Piniari Bâna Cercle : Bandiagara Région : Mopti, Période d’évaluation : Du 17 au 21 août 2019

Introduction Bandiagara, Piniari Bana et Doucoumbo font parties des 21 communes du cercle de Bandiagara. Il est limité à l’est par le cercle de Koro, à l’ouest par le cercle de Mopti, au nord par le cercle…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

SeedCLIR: Democratic Republic of the Congo

The SeedCLIR: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) study assesses the enabling environment for seed across six provinces in eastern DRC. Applying the Seed Commercial, Legal, and Institutional Reform (SeedCLIR) analytical tool, the study evaluates the…

Cameroon + 1 more

UNHCR & WFP Joint Assessment Mission (JAM) Central African refugees (CAR) and host population living in the East, Adamawa, North Regions of Cameroon (Primary data collected from 21 to 31 January 2019)

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Cameroon is facing a multifaceted increasingly complex humanitarian crisis. In addition to preexisting chronic food insecurity and malnutrition challenges resulting from recurrent climatic shocks and food production deficits, spill over conflict from both Nigeria and…

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