
ReliefWeb results

Burkina Faso

UNICEF Burkina Faso Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2, 1 to 30 April 2024

Highlights 26,497, children suffering from severe acute malnutrition have received therapeutic services at community level, including 1,647 through acute malnutrition management using alternative approaches by community health workers (CHW) in areas where health centers are closed. 198,292 pregnant…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Équipe d’Analyse des Crises - RD Congo : Rapport mensuel de déplacement, Avril 2024

I. Approche méthodologique Collecte des données Les chercheurs et analystes de l’Équipe d’Analyse de Crises en République Démocratique du Congo (CAT-RDC) font la collecte, la triangulation et l’analyse des informations recueillies auprès des sources primaires et secondaires. Chaque…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Crisis Analysis - DR Congo: Monthly Displacement Report, April 2024

I. Methodology Data collection Researchers and analysts from the Crisis Analysis Team in the Democratic Republic of Congo (CAT-DRC) collect, triangulate and analyze information gathered from primary and secondary sources. Each week, researchers conduct interviews with key informants…


UNFPA Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report #19 - 1-30 April 2024

HIGHLIGHTS The overall context across crisis-affected regions in Cameroon is summarized below: In March 2024, the Far North, Northwest and Southwest Regions of Cameroon experienced repeated clashes, attacks against civilians and lockdowns. Lockdowns have been regularly enforced, closing businesses,…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

L’OMS et UNFPA alertent sur la situation des enfants, filles et femmes victimes des bombardements dans les camps des déplacés au Nord-Kivu et condamnent fermement ces attaques

Kinshasa, 10 mai 2024 – L’Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS) et le Fonds des Nations-Unies pour la population (UNFPA) condamnent fermement les bombardements survenus le vendredi 3 mai 2024 dans les camps des déplacés de…

News and Press Release
10 May 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Les ONGI en RD Congo appellent à la cessation des hostilités et au respect du droit international humanitaire

Le vendredi 3 mai, une attaque meurtrière a directement touché des sites de déplacement accueillant plus de 55 000 familles autour de Goma, dans la province du Nord-Kivu, à l'est de la République démocratique du Congo…

News and Press Release
Action Against Hunger, CARE, Concern, DRC, Forum ONGI RDC, HI, INSO, MDM, NRC, Première Urgence Internationale, Tearfund, World Vision
9 May 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Joint statement: INGOs in DR Congo call for a cessation of hostilities and the respect for International Humanitarian Law

A deadly attack on Friday 3 May directly hit displacement sites hosting over 55,000 families around Goma in the North Kivu province in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) actively engaged in the…

News and Press Release
Action Against Hunger, CARE, Concern, DRC, Forum ONGI RDC, HI, INSO, MDM, NRC, Première Urgence Internationale, Tearfund, World Vision
8 May 2024

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