
ReliefWeb results


Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 - Cameroon

HIGHLIGHTS In Cameroon, 3.93 million people (including 2.14 million children, 969,000 women and 587,000 people with disabilities) urgently require humanitarian assistance. Their needs are created by armed conflict, intercommunal violence, the influx of refugees from neighbouring countries,…

Burkina Faso

Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 - Burkina Faso

HIGHLIGHTS Burkina Faso is the epicentre of a multidimensional humanitarian crisis affecting the Sahel region,3 driven by a combination of factors including armed violence/insecurity spreading to coastal countries; demographic pressures; climate change; and health crises. Insecurity continues…

Central African Republic

Humanitarian Action for Children 2023 - Central African Republic

HIGHLIGHTS Due to the combined effects of conflict-related violence, price increases linked to war in Ukraine and the consequences of climate change, 3.1 million people, including 1.4 million 2023. children, will be in need of humanitarian assistance in…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo : Accès humanitaire et CMCoord : points saillants novembre 2022

DÉVELOPPEMENTS NIVEAU NATIONAL En novembre, 28 nouveaux incidents sécuritaires affectant directement les humanitaires ont été enregistrés. un travailleur humanitaire a été tué. Les ONG et les agences des Nations Unies continuent d’être confrontées à des contraintes administratives. Fin…


Cameroon: Situation Report, 30 December 2022

HIGHLIGHTS North-West and South-West situation report (1-30 November 2022) Only 46 per cent of schools are currently functioning and only 54 per cent of students are enrolled for the 2022-2023 academic year in the North-West (NW) and South-West…


Mali Crisis Response Plan 2023 - 2024

Full Report

IOM VISION IOM Mali in partnership with key stakeholders, including governmental, nongovernmental organizations and other United Nations agencies, will provide multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and affected communities, while tackling the pre-existing drivers of…

Burkina Faso

WFP Burkina Faso Country Brief, November 2022

In Numbers 1,530 mt of food distributed USD 5.3 million cash-based transfers made USD 75.3 million six-month (December 2022 - May 2023) net funding requirements 878,410 people assisted* in November 2022 *Preliminary figures Operational Updates In November, violent conflict, population displacement, and blockades…

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