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Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Situation report #1, fiscal year (FY) 2007 28 Sep 2007

U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT BUREAU FOR DEMOCRACY, CONFLICT, AND HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE (DCHA) OFFICE OF U.S. FOREIGN DISASTER ASSISTANCE (OFDA) BACKGROUND Since 1998, regional armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has resulted in an estimated 4 million deaths…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

OCHA: Each time it is the civilian population that suffers

E. Young & B. Grujic / MONUC Tens of thousands of people have been displaced from their homes following the clashes in North Kivu province between troops loyal to ex General Laurent Nkunda and the DRC Armed Forces (FARDC). In…

News and Press Release
14 Sep 2007

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo : OCHA/Nord-Kivu - On a l'impression d'être dans l'oeil du cyclone

E. Young & B.Grujic / MONUC Des dizaines de milliers de personnes ont été déplacées suites aux affrontements au Nord-Kivu entre les troupes dissidentes de l'ex Général Laurent Nkunda et les Forces Armées de la République Démocratique du Congo (FARDC).…

News and Press Release
14 Sep 2007

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: UNICEF ERT Sitrep 004 - petit North Kivu, 13 Sep 2007

HIGHLIGHTS - Fighting subsides; MONUC ceasefire holding; new displacement slows; sporadic attacks continue; situation still unstable - 61,750 IDPs new IDPs registered during reporting period - in both host families and collective sites; Bulengo IDP camp outside of Goma being set up -…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

60,000 displaced people in eastern DRC receive UNICEF assistance

KINSHASA, 11 September 2007 - Fighting in North Kivu is threatening the lives of children in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Tens of thousands of children have been displaced in the last weeks; many of them separated from…

News and Press Release
11 Sep 2007

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

DR Congo: Escalating violence in North-Kivu deepens risk of mass ethnic killings

In the wake of recent intense fighting in North-Kivu province between government forces and fighters loyal to renegade general Laurent Nkunda, Amnesty International today accused the DRC government and international community of having failed the people of eastern DRC. "Despite peace…

News and Press Release
10 Sep 2007

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DRC: Fighting restricting humanitarian access in North Kivu

NAIROBI, 7 September 2007 (IRIN) - Clashes between government forces and dissident General Laurent Nkunda's fighters in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) are hampering efforts to deliver aid to thousands of civilians displaced from their homes by the violence,…

News and Press Release
7 Sep 2007

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Les violences dans l'est du Congo menacent les opérations du PAM

Kinshasa, le 7 septembre 2007-Le Programme alimentaire mondial des Nations Unies (PAM) est inquiet face à l'intensification des combats dans la province du Nord-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo, qui compliquent les distributions d'aide alimentaire pour des dizaines de milliers…

News and Press Release
7 Sep 2007

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