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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Humanitarian action in Southern Sudan weekly bulletin, week 44 & 45, 02 - 15 Nov 2008

SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS - 212,000 people were affected by floods in 2008 - Approximately 187,000 people were displaced by conflict in 2008 - LRA attacks in eastern DR Congo have displaced over 4,773 people within the past month I. FOCUS ON SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN ACCESS Mines: Following…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Assistance to Democratic Republic of Congo

Australia will provide additional emergency aid for the people affected by the ongoing crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Australian Government is deeply concerned about the recent outbreak of violence and fighting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.…

News and Press Release
AusAID, Govt. Australia
14 Nov 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Faire face à l'errance des milliers de déplacés

La reprise des combats a engendré de nouveaux mouvements de populations au cours des derniers jours, au Nord de Goma. L'équipe d'urgence envoyée par Handicap International s'est rendue dans la zone la plus critique pour mesurer les besoins, et…

News and Press Release
14 Nov 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

ACT Preliminary Appeal Eastern DRC Conflict and Displacement - AFDC81

Appeal Target: US$ 1,888,215 Geneva, November 14, 2008 Dear Colleagues, The purpose of this letter is to convey to you the Preliminary Appeal, Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) Conflict and Displacement, for your review and potential response. In recent weeks…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Rapport de situation humanitaire au Nord-Kivu du 12 novembre 2008

Contexte politique et sécuritaire - Calme relatif au Petit Nord - Pillage rapporté des personnels d'une ONG le 11 novembre à Kayna. Les pillards ont emporté des téléphones portables et de l'argent. - Intensification des patrouilles mixtes FARDC-PNC-MONUC. Mouvements de Populations Grand Nord - Suite…

Situation Report
13 Nov 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

UNICEF external flash situation report Goma/North Kivu, DR Congo - 09-11 Nov 2008

Major Developments - Fighting erupted in Kanyabayonga on the afternoon of 10 November with reports of widespread FARDC looting; population displacement to the north as well as new arrivals of IDPs into Kanyabayonga area who have fled fighting further south…

Situation Report
11 Nov 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Aid flights arrive in DR Congo, but insecurity persists

NEW YORK, USA, 11 November 2008 - Insecurity persists in the North Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where more than 250,000 people have been forced from their homes in the last two months alone due…

News and Press Release
11 Nov 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo crisis: Concern reaches families

Concern's team in Goma, in the North Kivu province of eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, have today managed to supply 1,500 blankets to newly displaced families. The people here had taken refuge in a vocational training centre normally used for…

News and Press Release
10 Nov 2008

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Aid agencies seek access to Congo refugees

By Hez Holland and Yves Boussen KIBATI, Congo, Nov 8 (Reuters) - Aid agencies scrambled on Saturday to help many thousands of people displaced by fighting in east Congo but many were stranded despite an appeal by African leaders for…

News and Press Release
8 Nov 2008

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