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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

RD Congo - Haut Uélé : Urgence humanitaire suite aux exactions meurtrières du LRA

Un nouveau groupe de 11.000 personnes a été déraciné au cours des dernières attaques menées par les rebelles de l'Armée de Résistance du Seigneur (LRA) autour du village de Banda dans le nord-est de la République Démocratique du Congo…

News and Press Release
Première Urgence Internationale
28 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

DR Congo - Upper-Uélé: Humanitarian emergency due to the deadly violences commited by LRA

A new group of 11,000 people were uprooted during the recent attacks by the rebels of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) around the village of Banda in the north-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) during mid-March 2009, bringing to…

News and Press Release
Première Urgence Internationale
28 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

RD Congo : Protection des civils - la France doit montrer l'exemple

Oxfam France - Agir ici appelle Nicolas Sarkozy, qui doit se rendre jeudi en République démocratique du Congo, à faire de l'engagement français en faveur du retour de la paix et de la stabilité dans la région des Grands…

News and Press Release
26 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo : Action humanitaire au Nord Kivu - Rapport hebdomadaire du 19 au 25 mars 2009

Faits marquants - Déplacements de populations dans le territoire de Walikale suite aux activités FDLR - Accès humanitaire restreint entraînant des gaps importants dans les zones de Kitchanga et Pinga - Poursuite des exactions commises par les militaires intégrés CNDP/FARDC Contexte général - En…

Situation Report
25 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 12, 16 - 22 Mar 2009

SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS 65,000 people vaccinated against Meningitis in Budi County, Eastern Equatoria State (EES) I. FOCUS ON SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN ACCESS Western and Central Equatoria States: UNHCR and government authorities are faced with a complicated situation where crossing of the DR Congo - Sudan…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: News bulletin No. 99, 09 - 16 Mar 2009

Highlights - MINURCAT replaces EUFOR - CEMAC celebrations - Fresh figures on displaced population - UN annual work plans in place Background and security CEMAC - one year on Monday the 16th of March saw the launch of the first 'CEMAC day' at the…

Situation Report
16 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Humanitarian Action in Southern Sudan Report, week 11, 09 - 15 Mar 2009

SUMMARY/HIGHLIGHTS - Pibor fighting kills 453 and displaces 5,000 people - Malakal update - Humanitarian situation worsens due to LRA attacks I. FOCUS ON SECURITY AND HUMANITARIAN ACCESS - Pibor fighting: Intense fighting between two tribes in Le-Kuangole Payam, Pibor County, Jonglei State from 5th…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Situation humanitaire en RD Congo : Briefing hebdomadaire à la presse, 11 mars 2009

Katanga Epidémie de cholera dans la province - La situation est toujours préoccupante dans le district sanitaire de Kolwezi, où 102 cas, sans décès, ont été enregistrés durant la période allant du 22 février au 2 mars. Ceci représente une tendance…

Situation Report
11 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DR Congo: Humanitarian Situation - Weekly press briefing note, 11 Mar 2009

Katanga Cholera epidemic in the province - The prevalence of cholera remains a cause for concern in the Kolwezi health district, where 102 cases, without any known deaths, have been reported between 23 February and 01 March. The figure is higher…

Situation Report
11 Mar 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Activities of Secretary-General in DR of Congo, Rwanda, 28 February - 1 March

SG/T/2658 On Saturday, 28 February, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon arrived in north-eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was welcomed at the Kisangani airport by Congolese provincial and national officials in the presence of the senior leadership of the United…

News and Press Release
10 Mar 2009

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