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Central African Republic

Evaluation multisectorielle RRM - rapport preliminaire : Village de Goussiéma et Mbata 2, Commune d’Azengué–Mindou, Sous-préfecture de Kouango, Préfecture de la Ouaka du 08 au 10 Avril 2015

Résumé de la crise: Situé sur l’axe Grimari – Kouango à 45 km de Grimari, le village de Goussiéma a accueilli en novembre 2014 une première vague de déplacés qui fuyaient les combats et exactions chroniques…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Situation Report No. 51 (as 1 April 2015)

Highlights Delivery of humanitarian aid is expected to significantly decline as funding remains seriously low: only 11 per cent of the US$613 million required for 2015 has been funded. The humanitarian community strongly condemned the killing of a…


2015 Humanitarian Needs Overview: Nigeria, December 2014

KEY HUMANITARIAN ISSUES 1. Massive conflict displacement and violations against civilians Nearly 1 million people have been internally displaced by conflict and insecurity in the Northeastern and Middle North Regions. Over 7,000 fatalities have been attributed to the…

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This selection of rapports for Task force régionale accès et principes humanitaires is powered by ReliefWeb.

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