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Fact Sheet NE Nigeria: Bama, Bama LGA (as of 05 January 2018)

Background The Bama local government area (LGA) has been severely affected by the conflict in north-east Nigeria. Bama town, the second largest in the state of Borno, was repeatedly attacked between May 2013 and September 2014 and…

News and Press Release
5 Jan 2018

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Projet EMIR améliore l’accès humanitaire au Sud Kivu

Des milliers de personnes, victimes des conflits au Sud Kivu se trouvent dans des zones souvent inaccessibles. Certaines zones comme Shabunda ne sont accessibles que par voie aérienne. En réponse à cette problématique, l’ONG Handicap International…

News and Press Release
WFP, Logistics Cluster
4 Jan 2018


WFP Nigeria Country Brief, November 2017

Highlights • In November WFP, both directly and through partnerships, provided food assistance to 1,160,000 people (97 percent of the plan of the month) through in-kind distributions (75 percent) and cash-based transfers (25 percent) in Borno, Yobe…

Central African Republic

WFP Central African Republic Country Brief, November 2017

Highlights • Intra-communal fighting has forced nearly 600,000 people from their homes within Central African Republic (C.A.R.) and another half million outside of its border. Despite these rising needs, insecurity continues to hinder humanitarian access and relief…

Mali + 2 more

Mali: UNHCR Operational Update, December 2017

Mali continues to face a volatile security situation amid growing threats of terrorism, criminality and intercommunity tensions in the northern and central regions. Local populations face important protection risks amid limited access to public services, documentation, shelter,…

Nigeria + 1 more

WFP Nigeria Situation Report #23, 1 - 30 November 2017

Highlights In November WFP, both directly and through partnerships, provided food assistance to 1,160,000 people (97 percent of the plan of the month) through in-kind distributions (75 percent) and cash-based transfers (25 percent) in Borno, Yobe and…

Central African Republic

Additional EU aid for ongoing crisis in Central African Republic

In response to violent episodes and atrocities in the Central African Republic in past months, the European Commission announced an additional €7 million in humanitarian aid. The crisis in the Central African Republic, resulting from a civil…

News and Press Release
20 Dec 2017

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