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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Democratic Republic of Congo: Emergency Situation Report #12, 2 May 2019

Highlights • In 2019, WFP continues its corporate emergency response interventions, with the aim of assisting 5.1 million people with general food assistance and nutrition programmes and has already reached 1.5 million people during the first quarter. •…


Act now or face disaster in Cameroon, aid chief warns

by Thomson Reuters Foundation | Thomson Reuters Foundation Friday, 26 April 2019 11:27 GMT London, April 26 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - A separatist conflict in Cameroon that has forced half a million people from their homes is in…

News and Press Release
Thomson Reuters Foundation
26 Apr 2019

Mali + 3 more

Mali Situation: Regional Situation Update, January - March 2019

The beginning of 2019 saw continued incidents of insecurity in the Sahel region. The security situation in Burkina Faso, Niger and Mali remained volatile with threats of terrorism, criminality and intercommunity violence, within the countries and…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic Humanitarian Fund Annual Report 2018

2018 IN REVIEW This Annual Report presents information on the achievements of the Central African Republic Humanitarian Fund during the 2018 calendar year. However, because grant allocation, project implementation and reporting processes often take place over multiple…

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This selection of rapports for Task force régionale accès et principes humanitaires is powered by ReliefWeb.

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