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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Months on, humanitarian needs still high in DR Congo

UNHCR is concerned about thousands who have fled brutal attacks in DRC’s Ituri province, where humanitarian access remains extremely limited. Over 360,000 Congolese people fled their homes in June following brutal attacks in Ituri Province. Most of…

News and Press Release
UNHCR, Protection Cluster
31 Oct 2019

Mali + 8 more

Le Sahel reste une priorité pour notre institution

9EME REUNION DU COMITE DE PILOTAGE DE LA STRATEGIE INTEGREE DES NATIONS UNIES POUR LE SAHEL (SINUS) Le Représentant Spécial du Secrétaire général et Chef du Bureau des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest et le Sahel…

News and Press Release
29 Oct 2019

Mali + 8 more

“The Sahel remains a priority for our institution”

9TH MEETING OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS INTEGRATED STRATEGY FOR THE SAHEL (UNISS) The Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa and the Sahel (UNOWAS), Mohamed…

News and Press Release
29 Oct 2019

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 28 more

WHO AFRO Outbreaks and Other Emergencies, Week 43: 21 - 27 October 2019 Data as reported by: 17:00; 27 October 2019

Overview This Weekly Bulletin focuses on public health emergencies occurring in the WHO African Region. The WHO Health Emergencies Programme is currently monitoring 68 events in the region. This week’s main articles cover key new and ongoing events, including: Humanitarian crisis…

Burkina Faso

WFP Burkina Faso Emergency Response Situation Report #5 (18 October 2019)

In Numbers 1.5 million people affected (OCHA Humanitarian Response Plan) 486,360 internally displaced persons (CONASUR – 4 October 2019) 96% of beneficiaries reached versus planned for lean season assistance Highlights • In September, WFP assisted 100,637 IDPs and 2,080 members of…

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