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Niger + 2 more

UNICEF Niger Humanitarian Situation Report, January 2020

Highlights • Humanitarian access continues to be a major constraint, due to the security context and government restrictions mainly in the Tillaberi and Tahoua regions. About 11,600 recently displaced people from 2,000 households are still deprived of…


Tchad Rapport de situation, 1 avr. 2020

FAITS SAILLANTS L’action humanitaire paie le prix de la nouvelle vague de violence au Lac Le CERF alloue plus de 12 millions de dollars pour les urgences sous-financées au Tchad RÉPONSE D'URGENCE L’action humanitaire paie le prix de la nouvelle…

Nigeria + 4 more

Lake Chad Basin - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #2, Fiscal Year (FY) 2020

HIGHLIGHTS At least 7.9 million people in Nigeria required humanitarian assistance as of early March Ongoing conflict across the Lake Chad Basin continues to exacerbate food insecurity Heightened insecurity hinders humanitarian activities in southeastern Niger and northeastern Nigeria KEY DEVELOPMENTS Violence,…


UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1, January 2020

Highlights • 207,751 internally displaced persons (IDPs) are still sheltered mainly in Mopti, Gao, Segou, Timbuktu and Menaka regions. • 9,902 under five severe acute malnutrition children were treated representing about 6 % of the 166,154 cases expected…


Nigeria: Army Restrictions Stifling Aid Efforts

Threatens Staff Safety, Effectiveness in Region Hit by Boko Haram (Abuja) – Aid agencies are unable to respond effectively to the crisis in northeastern Nigeria due to worsening insecurity and stifling operational requirements imposed by military and…

News and Press Release
4 Mar 2020


Nigeria Food Security Outlook, February to September 2020

Persisting and escalating conflicts in the northeast and other northern areas increasing assistance needs KEY MESSAGES Households that have been the worst affected by Boko Haram conflict in many parts of Borno, northern Adamawa, and southern Yobe states…

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