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Incessant attacks on vital services put the lives of the people in front-line communities in peril [EN/RU/UK]

English version

STATEMENT BY THE HUMANITARIAN COORDINATOR FOR UKRAINE, DENISE BROWN, ON ATTACKS IMPACTING CRITICAL SERVICES IN FRONT-LINE COMMUNITIES I am deeply worried as attacks by the Russian Armed Forces on civilian infrastructure and civilians appear to have increased…

News and Press Release
OCHA, UN RC/HC Ukraine
22 Nov 2023
Téléchargement  + 2 more

Ukraine + 5 more

Ukraine Emergency Situation Report #21 (15 November 2023)

Highlights UNFPA and its partners trained more than 3,300 health professionals and over 1,100 gender-based violence (GBV) specialists during the reporting period, enhancing the quality and accessibility of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and GBV services in…

Ukraine + 6 more

Explosive Weapons Monitor, September 2023

Reported incidents of explosive weapon use that resulted in casualties At least one death or injury from the use of explosive weapons was recorded in 32 countries and territories in September 2023. Worldwide, there were at least…


Project HOPE Staff Impacted by Artillery Attack in Kherson

Washington, DC (13 November 2023) – A Russian artillery attack in Kherson this afternoon hit the regional hospital where Project HOPE staff were meeting. Fortunately, Project HOPE’s staff were able to safely reach a shelter, and no…

News and Press Release
13 Nov 2023

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