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Health Cluster Ukraine National Meeting, 31 August 2022 [Meeting Minutes]

Meeting Agenda Opening remarks SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Model Ukraine — Displacement Report - Area Baseline Report (Raion level) CORUS LQAS assessment results Rapid Health Needs Assessment - Data Collection Overview Updates from the Technical Working Groups (TWGs) Updates from Partners Winterization as a Multisectoral Approach Updates…

Health Cluster, WHO
31 Aug 2022
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Ukraine + 9 more

Ukraine - Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #27, Fiscal Year (FY) 2022

SITUATION AT A GLANCE 5,587 Civilian Deaths Resulting From the Conflict OHCHR – August 202 6.9 MILLION Refugees From Ukraine Recorded Across Europe UNHCR – August 2022 6.6 MILLION People Internally Displaced Across Ukraine IOM – August 2022 17.7 MILLION…

Ukraine + 1 more

Ukraine Crisis - Situation Report #21 (August 25, 2022)

FAST FACTS Our Impact 3 million beneficiaries 122 hospitals, primary health centers, mobile and static medical units supported 211,131 WASH and NFI items distributed 96,702 health consultations delivered 1,332 mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) consultations delivered 4,919 beneficiaries reached with cash assistance Our…


Ukraine: Situation Report, 24 Aug 2022 [EN/UK/RU]

English version

HIGHLIGHTS Six months of Russia’s war on Ukraine have caused death and suffering on a dramatic scale and led to a grave humanitarian crisis. Today, nearly 18 million people – 40 per cent of the country’s population –…

Situation Report
26 Aug 2022
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Ukraine + 6 more

Ukraine Situation Flash Update #27 (26 August 2022)

KEY FIGURES 6,865,625 refugees from Ukraine recorded across Europe 3,933,695 refugees from Ukraine registered for Temporary Protection or similar national protection schemes in Europe 6,645,000 estimated number of IDPs in Ukraine BACKGROUND Since the beginning of hostilities, nearly one-third of Ukrainians…

Ukraine + 4 more

Ukraine Response Operational Update 16 to 22 August 2022

RECENT RESPONSE Large quantities of NFIs continue to arrive in Ukraine through IOM’s multi-donor pipeline and are being distributed to beneficiaries through a combination of prepositioning, along with direct implementation and IOM’s network of 50 implementing partners.…

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