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Ukraine crisis: Response Dashboard October 2015

KEY HUMANITARIAN NEEDS Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH): 1.3 million people in need Many people in conflict-affected areas cannot access safe drinking water and the cost of hygiene items is very high, Food: 1.8 million people in need High food…

Save the Children
27 Oct 2015


Ukraine: Humanitarian Dashboard (January-August 2015)

3 pages

SITUATION OVERVIEW The conflict that erupted in eastern Ukraine in April 2014 continued to result in the loss of human lives, increased suffering and vulnerability of affected civilians. By mid-August 2015, the human cost of the conflict…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 7 October 2015)

OVERVIEW The temperatures have already dropped and winter is at the doorstep, and winterization activities have suffered severe delays as most operations came to a standstill since mid-July, when the de-facto authorities imposed a registration system without…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Dashboard (January-July 2015)

Five million people have been affected by the crisis in eastern Ukraine that started in April 2014. Fifteen months into the conflict, humanitarian organisations in Ukraine are focusing on an estimated two million people living in…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 2 September 2015)

OVERVIEW Sustainable humanitarian access to the most aected and vulnerable of the ve million people in need in eastern Ukraine is the major challenge for humanitarian action. Access challenges include security concerns, bureaucratic impediments, logistical and legal constraints.…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Response Plan Funding - 01 Sep. 2015

In 2015, humanitarian partners in Ukraine are focussing on providing displaced and conflict-affected people protection, life-saving assistance, including essential services, and early recovery assistance. Inadequate funding, and the limited number of partners on the ground, prevent many aid…


Ukraine: Humanitarian Dashboard (January-June 2015)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Five million people are affected by the crisis, and humanitarian partners are prioritizing those living along the contact line where insecurity is a fact of life for many, and access to basic goods and services is…

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