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Combatting breastfeeding myths in Ukraine

Over the past month I’ve been working with UNICEF Ukraine to support nutrition interventions during the emergency response. Advocating for early initiation of breastfeeding, six months exclusive breastfeeding and complementary breastfeeding for up to two years…

News and Press Release
7 Aug 2015


Summary of DFID’s work in Ukraine 2014-2016

Why we work in Ukraine The situation in Ukraine remains fragile. The economic and social situation has worsened since the protests on the Maidan in November 2013, the subsequent Russian takeover of Crimea and conflict in the…


Ukraine Factsheet, July 2015

HIGHLIGHTS 51% of Internally Displaced People are in Donetsk and Luhansk regions 60% of Internally Displaced People are pensioners 12% of Internally Displaced People are children 4% of Internally Displaced People are disabled WORKING WITH PARTNERS The humanitarian response to the internal…

Ukraine + 2 more

Ukraine Situation: UNHCR Operational Update, 16 July - 3 August 2015

HIGHLIGHTS  Situational overview: The situation in eastern Ukraine remains unstable and volatile with shelling and fighting, in some regions on a daily basis. The humanitarian situation is grave with freedom of movement and humanitarian access restricted,…

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This selection of rapports for LGBTIQ + Communities Technical Working Group is powered by ReliefWeb.

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