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Ukraine + 13 more

Ukraine Situation Flash Update #41 (24 February 2023)

RECENT HIGHLIGTHS Nearly one year after the war in Ukraine started, UNHCR and partners launched, on 15 February, the 2023 Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRP) for refugees fleeing Ukraine, alongside the OCHA-led 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan for…


Ukraine: UNHCR Operational Monthly Update, December 2022

KEY FIGURES 17.7 million People in urgent need of protection and humanitarian assistance* 5.91 million Internally displaced persons in Ukraine** 11.5 million People targeted for humanitarian assistance in the Ukraine Flash Appeal 2022. 4.3 million People targeted to be reached…

Ukraine + 1 more

Government allocating additional SEK 520 million in support to Ukraine

As part of the Government’s clear prioritisation of Ukraine, yet another extensive Swedish support package is being allocated to the country. The support focuses on humanitarian operations and Ukraine’s energy sector. The support package is financed by…

News and Press Release
Govt. Sweden
24 Feb 2023

Ukraine + 6 more

WFP Ukraine External Situation Report #36 (22 February 2023)

Key Highlights WFP started prepositioning of food and providing double distributions as an anticipatory action to people in frontline areas at risk of potential lost access or being displaced. On 15 February, WFP charted vessel, MV Valsamitis docked…

Ukraine + 5 more

Cash assistance provides vital, dignified support for Ukrainians

Red Cross cash assistance is providing much needed support to the people of Ukraine affected by conflict. February 24, marks one year since the escalation of the conflict, and people have endured mass displacement, devastation and loss…

News and Press Release
New Zealand Red Cross
23 Feb 2023

Ukraine + 11 more

IOM 2023 Appeal for Ukraine and Neighbouring countries

The war in Ukraine has triggered one of the largest humanitarian crises on record with over 19.5 million people affected by various forms of displacement as of December 2022. This includes 5.4 million people who are…


Ukraine: GBV Sub-Cluster Deliverables (March – December 2022) [EN/UK]

English version

In 2022 the GBV SC scaled up coordination efforts to ensure continuous strategic guidance and technical leadership on GBViE prevention and response for its partner organizations throughout the humanitarian cycle. Support was mainly provided through identifying and…

News and Press Release
GBV AoR, Protection Cluster, UNFPA
17 Feb 2023
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Ukraine + 5 more

The state of communication, community engagement and accountability across the Ukraine response: Snapshot report Third edition, February 2023

Full Report

Introduction As humanitarians prepare for a massive scale-up in 2023 to meet the needs of 17.6 million people affected by the conflict in Ukraine, a spotlight on two-way communication and engagement with communities is paramount to ensure…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
16 Feb 2023
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Ukraine + 1 more

Ukraine Crisis - Situation Report #26 (February 16, 2023)

FAST FACTS Our Impact 6 million+ people benefitting from improved access to health supplies and services 165 primary and secondary health centers supported 1,646,768 non-food items (NFIs) distributed 201,285 liters of drinking water distributed 880,436 primary outpatient health consultations delivered 4,205 individual mental…

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