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Ukraine - 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) End-of-Year Report, January-December 2017 - Feb 2018

FUNDING: US$ 204 million requested US$ 71 million received BENEFICIARIES: 2.4 million targeted 1.1 million reached SITUATION OVERVIEW 2017 witnessed worsening human toll of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, which continues unabated. With a lack of complete adherence to renewed ceasefire agreements,…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
16 Mar 2018

Ukraine + 7 more

UNHCR Ukraine Factsheet - January 2018

The UN Refugee agency has been working in Ukraine since 1994 and established a country office the following year. A host country agreement was signed in September 1996. Ukraine acceded to the 1951 Convention relating to the…

Ukraine + 5 more

Ukraine: UNHCR Operational Update, 01 - 31 January 2018

Situational overview: The security situation in eastern Ukraine progressively deteriorated, with four civilian fatalities recorded during January. Protection concerns: Freezing temperatures winter conditions; UNHCR continued implementation of its winter assistance plan. Assistance provided: In January, UNHCR provided winterization, non-food…

Ukraine + 5 more

Ukraine: UNHCR Operational Update, 01 - 31 December 2017

Situational overview: The security situation in eastern Ukraine deteriorated in the first half of December, with more than 26,000 ceasefire violations recorded. Protection concerns: The protection environment remains difficult due to harsh winter conditions; UNHCR began implementation…


Ukraine - Humanitarian Response Plan 2018

to assist 66 000 people FAO requires USD 5 million period January – December 2018 The armed conflict in eastern Ukraine – now in its fourth year – is affecting 4.4 million people. Some 1.6 million people need food security and livelihoods…

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